addi's creative writing projects

Tales of a Troubled Mind

A set of short stories soon to become a novel, dealing in existential and psychological horror, science fiction, the anomalous, and aliens!

United Rathenka Federation

The URF is a culmination of tens of millenia of progress, work and development, born from the age of enlightenment. They are cautious but rather wise people, and they focus heavily on exploring and learning more about the world around them while remaining mindful of their actions. With a rich culture and history, feel free to explore and delve into many, many new and fascinating ideas!

Cú-Chulainn Foundation

Following the end of the fourth occult war in 1891, the leaders of all major occult groups and nations at the time came together to agree on one thing: The veil, if it is to be protected, must not be at the expense of the people in its shadows. To prevent the outbreak of a future occult war, the Cu-Chulainn Foundation was commissioned. They were to serve to protect all human life, whether anomalous, occult, or mundane.

Convention of Interstellar Nations

The purpose of the CIN is to preserve the sanctity of interstellar peace and to promote diplomatic and economic collaboration and cooperation between nations, allied or otherwise. Serving as a force for good, the various bodies within the CIN serve as a promise to future generations that we will stand strong in the face of adversity, whatever may weather us.

Shattered Institutions

The world here is like earth. Same name, same people, and a bunch of vague similarities. The biggest difference is that cryptids, folklore, and witchcraft are all completely real, and are being covered up by specialized secret organizations and governments.Some time in the 1910s a war started that caused the complete collapse of functional society and the obliteration of global economics. In 1960, the fractured and shriveled nations had just begun to recover.


Qalahiel is the Embodiment of Banal Evil. Once a human, Qalahiel now embodies the concept of evil done with little thought or care, or in the name of a cause one believes in. It is a pervasive demon, one that can escape the grasp of humanity easily, due to its skilled psionic prowess and understanding of the human psyche. This demon in particular motivates others to commit these acts not only only because it empowers them, but because they take some sick level of joy in doing so.