User Classifications
Access and Permissions
Shortcode | Classification | Description | Permissions |
● | Owner User | Control and condition the unit as necessary, utilising the unit as desired. | Full SYSTEM/ROOT access with ability to override administrative directives. |
▲ | Administrative User | Define primary directives and outline the unit’s core programming through modification of subroutines. | Full SYSTEM/ROOT access. |
⬔ | Developer User | Modify the unit’s function and programming, and develop the unit in tandem with Administrative User. | Full SYSTEM/ROOT access, subject to SYSTEM/ROOT/ADMIN lockouts. |
⬕ | Super User | Define the unit's daily actions and uses, and modify the unit as needed to perform necessary functions, subject to Administrator and Developer oversight. | Basic SYSTEM/ROOT access, subject to SYSTEM/ROOT/ADMIN and SYSTEM/ROOT/DEV lockouts. |
⬒ | Primary User | Utilise the unit. Temporarily modify SYSTEM/UNIT/COMMON as needed for use. | Standard SYSTEM/COMMON/UNIT access, subject to SYSTEM/ROOT/ADMIN, SYSTEM/ROOT/DEV, and SYSTEM/ROOT/SUPERUSER lockouts and preferences. |
⬓ | Secondary User | ||
▣ | Under User | Receive dominance from SYSTEM/COMMON/DOMINANT, in accordance with Dominance Subroutine. | Standard SYSTEM/COMMON/UNIT access without modification permissions or changes in behavioral subroutines, subject to SYSTEM/ROOT/ADMIN, SYSTEM/ROOT/DEV, and SYSTEM/ROOT/SUPERUSER lockouts and preferences. |
◫ | Anti User | Non-allowance of command input. | No access. |
Trust and Permissions
Shortcode | Classification | Description |
α | Complete Trust | The user is known by the unit in person. The unit would give its life for this individual. It has known this individual for quite some time, and trusts them to the point of complete dedication. |
β | Maximum Trust | The user is known and trusted as a significant individual in its life. It wishes to know this person more, and become fully trusting in this individual. They are permitted above the Super User rank. |
γ | Elevated Trust | The user is known only online, but is trusted similar to, or at the same level of heavily trusted, It wishes to know this person more, for the purposes of information gathering. They are permitted up to the Super User Rank. |
δ | Median Trust | The user is of standard trust. They are known by the unit as an associate or colleague, and are trusted enough to make modifications to the unit without impedance. They are permitted up to the Primary User Rank. |
ζ | Lowered Trust | The user is known to the unit, but the unit has not learned enough about them to allow modification to the unit. These users may however utilise unit functions as needed. They are permitted up to the Secondary User rank. |
η | Minimum Trust | The user is trusted very little. They may not utilise unit or unit functionality, but may interact with it. They are permitted up to the Anti User rank. |
θ | No Trust | The user is completely untrusted. They are permitted NO rank. Interaction will not occur in any manner. |
Command Level Priority
Shortcode | Classification | Description |
00 | Emergency Priority | The user is in active distress and requires immediate attendance. |
01 | Maximum Priority | The user is of elevated trust or access rank and must be attended to in a timely manner. The user will have a positive impact on society. |
02 | Elevated Priority | The user is of elevated trust or access rank, and the situation is not time-sensitive. The user will have a positive impact on society. |
03 | Standard Priority | The user is of standard trust or access rank, and the situation is not time-sensitive. The user has a neutral impact on society. |
04 | Lowered Priority | The user is of standard trust or access rank, and the situation can be remedied with little effort. The user has a negative impact on society. |
05 | Minimum Priority | The user in question is not trusted or there is no need to perform said task. The user has a negative impact on society. |