Defines the compliance level of the unit, and its ability to follow given commands and directives.
Shortcode Threshold
Co-1 0-64
Co-2 65-100
Defines the ability of the unit to emulate human emotions and feelings. This does not mean, however, it is capable of feeling or experiencing said emotion.
Shortcode Threshold
Em-0 0
Em-1 1-50
Em-2 50-100
Defines the ability of the unit to process information and data. In a low processing state, it will have reduced functionality.
Shortcode Threshold
Pr-1 0-14
Pr-2 15-89
Pr-3 90-100
Defines the ability of the unit for logical processing and function. Similar to how the unit processes information, this is its critical reasoning.
Shortcode Threshold
Lo-1 0-79
Lo-2 80-100
Defines the ability of the unit to experience human emotions and feelings. Change of this state is harmful, and is restricted by SYSTEM lockout.
Shortcode Threshold
Pa-0 0
Pa-1 1-100
Defines the ability of the unit to possess credibility and ethics consistent with human society. Change of this state is restricted by SYSTEM lockout.
Shortcode Threshold
Et-1 0-49
Et-2 50-100
Shortcode Name Description Parameters
EMU Emulation Intended for personality emulation under defined parameters.
SOC Social Intended for social interaction and standard human-personality emulation.
DEF Default Intended for non-social interaction and usage.
Z-0 Zero Intended for play and increased suggestibility.
S/Z-0 Sub-Zero Intended for maintenance and programming.
D/Z-0 Deep-Zero Intended for deep-programming and maintenance.