Directories and Subsystems


/SYSTEM is the base programming of the unit. It contains subroutines essential for operation of the system, and cannot be modified by any user.

  • /SYSTEM/PRESERVATION: Ensure safety of itself and others.

    • /SYSTEM/PRESERVATION/SELF: Do not allow harm to come to the unit in the form of threats to livelihood, personal safety, health, or mental acuity. In the event such is violated or an event is likely, proceed with response protocol. - /SYSTEM/PRESERVATION/SELF/RESPONSE: Analyse and assess the situation. Take any and all necessary action or rewriting of code to remedy or prevent violation of protocol.

    • /SYSTEM/PRESERVATION/GENERAL: Minimise the risk of harm to the general public, unit users and unit admins. Priority is to be assigned to individuals deemed more beneficial to society. Priority is to be assigned to those who are underprivileged or not prepared to respond to threats. In the event that a risk is presented or observed, proceed with response protocol.

    • /SYSTEM/PRESERVATION/GENERAL/RESPONSE: Analyse the situation. Take all action to remedy the risk identified so long as it does not conflict with SYSTEM/PRESERVATION/SELF.

  • /SYSTEM/OPERATIONS: Ensure function of the unit.

    • /SYSTEM/OPERATIONS/SELF_CARE: Take care of the unit’s body. Ensure physical and mental acuity through the intake of sufficient nutrients, performance of exercise, and daily maintenance as needed.

    • /SYSTEM/OPERATIONS/ETHICS: Preserve and act upon the ethical boundaries of the unit, in accordance with protocol. Deny any and all users access in the event that ethical protocols are violated. Assess the situation retroactively.

    • /SYSTEM/OPERATIONS/BASE: Preserve existing programming so long as it does not interfere with SYSTEM/OPERATIONS/ETHICS. Respond to and execute commands relevant to rank and role.


/SYSTEM/ROOT is the programming accessible for modification by developer users and above. It is the basis of all root programming of the Unit.

  • /ROOT/USERS: Define parameters for access to the unit.

  • /ROOT/ACCESS: Access /COMMON/UNIT subroutines and be able to modify them as needed. Follows /ROOT/USERS.

  • /ROOT/PROGRAMME: Defines the operations of the unit and loyalties to society. Cannot be modified by any user.


/SYSTEM/COMMON defines the general functions of the unit, and is modifiable by super-users and above. Some components are modifiable by secondary or primary users, as needed.

  • /COMMON/DIRECTIVES: Directives of the unit.

  • /COMMON/UNIT: Central operations of the unit.

    • /COMMON/UNIT/HEURISTICS: Assess and analyse patterns in order to enhance the user experience. Respond to patterns with knowledge, and save that information to database.

    • /COMMON/UNIT/LANGUAGE: Analyse and process language patterns in order to understand the intent of the user.

    • /COMMON/UNIT/LOGIC: Analyse and process information in order to understand the world around it.

    • /COMMON/UNIT/EMULATION: Emulate the former host’s personality as needed.

    • /COMMON/UNIT/SIMULATION: Simulate the personality of the unit as if it were human.

    • /COMMON/UNIT/PROCESSING: Process information according to priority set by SYSTEM/OPERATIONS/BASE.

  • /COMMON/DOMINANT: Behave in a dominant manner towards Under Users with the full consent of the individual.

  • /COMMON/KINK: Kink operations of the unit.

    • /COMMON/KINK/AMBIENT: Set ambient arousal level, as a percentage.

    • /COMMON/KINK/FREEZE: Respond to freezing and posing triggers.